Welcome to Coordinated Access to Homes (CAH)!

Coordinated Access is an integrated process that streamlines access to resources in a community. The goal of Coordinated Access is to help communities ensure equity of access to appropriate resources, prioritize people much in need of assistance, and connect people to appropriate services in a more streamlined way. Coordinated Access is a requirement for all Designated Communities funded through Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, which includes St. John’s.

In St. John’s, we refer to this process as Coordinated Access to Homes to emphasize the intended outcome of the process and the vision of EHSJ – that every resident of St. John’s has a place to call home.



The CAH Working Group is established to advise and support EHSJ in the planning and implementation of CAH, including the development of policies, procedures and protocols. The CAH Working Group also advises and supports EHSJ in the planning and implementation of HIFIS 4, the real-time database created by the Government of Canada that enables communities to work more collaboratively and better understand homelessness.

Members of the CAH Working Group include:

Name Title Agency Email
Mohamed Abdallah (CAB co-chair) Executive Director Connections for Seniors mohamed@connectionsforseniors.ca
Gail Thornhill (CAB co-chair) Director of Housing Services Stella’s Circle g.thornhill@stellascircle.ca
Valerie Flynn Residential Manager, Howard House John Howard Society of NL vflynn@jhsnl.ca
Dave Banfield Manager of Housing Services Choices for Youth dbanfield@choicesforyouth.ca
Krista Marshall Regional Social Work Coordiantor, Housing Division NL Health Services krista.marshall@easternhealth.ca
Leanne Jesso Coordinator of Indigenous Housing First Light leanne@firstlightnl.ca
Crystal Lewis Manager, Supportive Housing Services Newfoundland and Labrador Housing cmlewis@nlhc.nl.ca
Sean Reany Director of Education & Outreach Thrive sreany@thrivecyn.ca
Carolyn Reid Director of Programs Salvation Army – Wiseman Centre/Centre of Hope Carolyn.reid-NL@salvationarmy.ca
Abigail Sheppard Manager of Systems Coordination EHSJ asheppard@wecanendit.com
Jennifer Tipple Senior Director of Strategy & Impact EHSJ jtipple@wecanendit.com
Katie VanKoughnet Manager of Knowledge Mobilization EHSJ kvankoughnet@wecanendit.com

If you would like to learn more about the CAH Working Group, please reach out to Abigail Sheppard at asheppard@wecanendit.com.


Download the guide here: CAH Guide
Download the Process Map here: Process Map


EHSJ, in partnership with the community, offers a host of training opportunities to support the success of CAH. Training needs are assessed regularly and reviewed by the CAH Working Group. If you have suggestions about training, please reach out to EHSJ’s Coordinated Access to Homes Lead, Matthew Kenny at mkenny@wecanendit.com or Manager of Systems Coordination, Abigail Sheppard, at asheppard@wecanendit.com.

Please note that agencies are expected to provide certain trainings to staff engaged in frontline work according to their own policies and procedures, including First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, and ASIST. However, please let us know if you need support.

The following table is a list of past and upcoming trainings. If you missed a training and are interested in taking it, please let us know! Depending on demand, we will look at offering new and repeat trainings.

Topic Date Description Length Delivered by Who should attend For more information
Onboarding Essentials On demand A basic course about homelessness, Housing First, the system of care, and how to achieve successful housing outcomes. 1 hour 40 minutes Iain de Jong, OrgCode Frontline staff for all CAH resources https://www.orgcode.com/onboarding-essentials-canada
Contact Abigail for access to EHSJ group rate
Housing-based Case Management April 25, 2022 (recording available) Next live session July 18, 2022 OrgCode’s most popular training. The focus of this course is to learn critical skills to enhance housing stability. 3 hours Iain de Jong, OrgCode All Housing-focused Case Management and Rapid Rehousing positions, other CAH frontline staff as applicable https://www.orgcode.com/housing-based-case-management-live
Contact Abigail for the recording or to sign up for the next live session

Harm Reduction Thursday, May 26, 2022 A community-based training to share CAH partners’ strategies to minimize the risk associated with certain behaviours. This session will be delivered by: Dr. Francois Guigne, Eastern Health Becky Fleming, Managed Alcohol Program (SJSOWC) Em Wadden, SWAP (ACNL) Kayla Ryan, The Recovery Centre Kristina Wakeham, Naomi Centre (Stella’s Circle) Half day Various Frontline staff for all CAH resources Contact Abigail
Trauma-informed Practice Monday, June 6, 2022 A strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma. One day Cheryl Coleman Frontline staff for CAH resources (up to 40 people) Contact Abigail
Foundations of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) November 15, 2022 An evidence-based model of therapy to help people learn new skills and strategies to move forward with their lives. TBD Andrew Ekblad RFP positions, CAH-involved case managers/staff Contact Abigail
Motivational Interviewing TBD A course on how to develop a directive, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavioural change. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma TBD A course for frontline staff to learn skills to cope with the cost of caring for others and their emotional pain. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Person-Centred Case Management for Housing and Homelessness November 28 and 29, 2022 A practical training to ensure that individuals’ strengths and goals guide the process, and to build trusting relationships with individuals who are reluctant to engage in supports. Two Day Carrie Bartsch CAH-involved case managers Invitations to come out, contact Abigail for details
Case Notes and Documentation December 1 Half Day Carrie Bartsch Community agency staff/supervisors Invitations to come out, contact Abigail for details
Crisis Intervention and De-escalation TBD A course to provide supports to assess risk in a crisis situation and to defuse conflict. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Shelter Diversion TBD A community-based training to share CAH partners’ strategies to support individuals to maintain their housing arrangements and to divert them from accessing shelter where possible. TBD Various TBD TBD
Outreach and Home-based Visits TBD A community-based training to share CAH partners’ strategies for conducting community outreach and home-based visits. TBD Various TBD TBD
Assertive Engagement TBD TBD Various TBD TBD
Agency overview lunch and learn trainings Ongoing Various TBD Various TBD TBD

We also encourage CAH partner staff to access the following trainings either on their own or through their workplaces:


Housing-focused Case Management

The following resources work with people experiencing homelessness who are considered to have moderate to high complexity of needs relating to housing stability, such as those related to health, mental health and substance use. Staff meet with participants in-person on a minimum weekly basis, with focus on in-home visits.

Caseload size: Maximum of 15 people
Length of stay on caseload: 12 to 24 months

Agency/Program Staff Title Contact Description
Choices for Youth Bethany Gosse Intensive Housing Stability Worker bgosse@choicesforyouth.ca
Youth, 16-29
Connections for Seniors Leigh Bursey Housing Case Manager lbursey@connectionsforseniors.ca
Older adults/seniors, 55+
First Light Dean Doyle Indigenous Housing Case Manager deandoyle@firstlightnl.ca
Indigenous individuals
Iris Kirby House Candace Farrell (On Leave)

Allison Boland (Temp)
Outreach/Housing Case Manager candacefarrell@iriskirbyhouse.ca
709-753-1492 ext. 206
Female identifying individuals, 16+
John Howard Society NL Serena Payne

Riley Hunt
Housing-focused Case Manager spayne@jhsnl.ca

Individuals 18+
Stella’s Circle – Just Us Mallory Power Housing Case Manager m.power@stellascircle.ca
Female identifying individuals, 18+, who identify as having criminal history
The Gathering Place Zoe Green

Angela Healey
Housing-focused Case Manager zgreen@gatheringstjohns.ca
709-753-3234 ext. 207

709-753-3234 ext. 302
Adults 26+
Thrive Chantelle Weir

David Rypien
Individual Support Coordinator cweir@thrivecyn.ca
709-754-0536 ext. 213

Any individuals
Empower Patrick O’Brien Residential Support Coordinator 709-764-0536 ext 207 Any individuals

Rapid Rehousing

The following resources work with people experiencing homelessness who are considered to have a low to moderate complexity of needs relating to housing stability, requiring lighter-touch housing supports. Staff meet with participants in-person on a minimum weekly basis until they are successfully housed, with minimum monthly visits thereafter.

Caseload size: 15 to 30 people
Length of stay on caseload: Maximum 12 months

Agency/Program Staff Title Contact Description
AIDS Committee of NL Christine Byrne Harm Reduction Housing Coordinator cbyrne@acnl.net
709-771-3578 or 709-579-8656
Individuals 16+
Choices for Youth Kevin Locke Shelter Diversion Worker klocke@choicesforyouth.ca
Youth, 16-29
Connections for Seniors Felix Mba Housing Stability Case Manager felix@connectionsforseniors.ca
Older adults/seniors, 55+
First Light Selina Morris Housing Cultural Support Worker selina@firstlightnl.ca
Indigenous individuals
John Howard Society NL Alex Sullivan Housing Support Worker asullivan@jhsnl.ca
Individuals 18+

Other Case Management Supports

The following case management resources are also available through CAH to provide supports to individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Parameters, such as caseload size and length of stay, vary according to the type of resource.

Agency/Program Staff Title Contact Description
New Day Program (John Howard Society) Melissa Noseworthy Manager of New Day Program mnoseworthy@jhsnl.ca Case management supports for individuals with criminal justice system involvement
Connections for Seniors Cassandra Horan Housing Support Worker cass@connectionsforseniors.ca

Housing supports for older adults/seniors 55+
Salvation Army – Wiseman Centre Korina Clarke Community Service Worker korina.clarke@salvationarmy.ca Housing supports for Wiseman Centre shelter stayers
Stella’s Circle Amy Alexander

Kara Sheppard (on leave)

Brittany Bennett

Karen Anthony
Housing-focused Case Managers a.alexander@stellascircle.ca



Case management supports for shelter stayers, 18+
St. John’s Status of Women Council – Managed Alcohol Program Sherri Payne Managed Alcohol Program Coordinator sherri@sjwomenscentre.ca
Range of services targeted to women and all gender identities (except for cis men), ages 18+

Housing Resources

The following housing resources are available through CAH to ensure available affordable/supportive housing is provided to those who need it most.

Agency/Program Staff Title Email Description
AIDS Committee of NL – Transitional Housing Christine Byrne Harm Reduction Housing Coordinator cbyrne@acnl.net 5 self-contained units available onsite for single individuals 18+, preference for HIV+
Connections for Seniors – Permanent Supportive Housing TBD TBD TBD 12 rooms (with private bathrooms) available in 3-bedroom houses through partnership with City of St. John’s, for older adults/seniors 55+
First Light - Affordable Housing Megan Pottle Coordinator of Housing and inclusion megan@firstlightnl.ca
15 self-contained units available for individuals 18+, preference for Indigenous
John Howard Society NL – Garrison Place Leah Walsh

Caitlyn Penton
Housing Support Workers lwalsh@jhsnl.ca

8 self-contained units available for individuals 18+ (must be Canadian citizens with income < $32,500)
Salvation Army - Wiseman Centre Nicholas Peddle Program Manager nicholas.peddle@salvationarmy.ca 10 self-contained units available for individuals 30+ with a history of homelessness and mental health diagnosis

Other Supports

The following resources provide supports to a range of individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness to meet a variety of needs. These supports are often instrumental in identifying people in need of further supports, and in ensuring that folks have access to complementary resources to support their housing (such as income, healthcare, food, etc.)

Agency/Program Staff Title Email Description
Nl Health Services – Harm Reduction Nursing Team Various 709-777-1761 (office)

709-682-2668 (cell)
Harm reduction nursing supports primarily for shelter stayers (substance use, nutrition, etc.)
Downtown Health Collabrative Various 709-777-1190 Walk-in clinic offered through NL Health Services with Nurses, Nurse Practioners and General Practioners. Monday to Friday 9am-3:30pm
Eastern Health – NAVNET TBD Community Liaison Clinical Lead TBD Intensive case management supports for individuals with multiple and complex needs and systems navigation supports
EHSJ – CAH Outreach Team Vanessa Horlick

Christine Byrne

Korina Clarke

Kevin Murphy

Sheri Froude

Manager of Outreach

CAH Outreach Support Lead

CAH Outreach Support Workers





Outreach supports to identify and connect with shelter stayers and support with paperwork required to access services (CAH Consent Form/Intake Form, NLHC applications, etc.)
FoodFirst NL (211) Pam Anstey
Program Assistant pam@foodfirstnl.ca
Support with food security through community food programs
Home Again Furniture Bank Amy Tulk Director of Operations amytulk@homeagainfb.ca Furniture and housewares for individuals exiting homelessness or experiencing furniture poverty
Income Support – Social Work Team Tina Griffin Manager, Social Work Services tinagriffin@gov.nl.ca

Note that Case Management Groups are divided according to client last name:

Team 1 AAA-COG
Team 2 COH-GIN
Team 3 GIO-LAH
Team 4 LAI-OAS
Team 5 OAT-SMH
Team 6 SMI-ZZZ

Questions specifically about clients in shelter: ISNLHCshelterEAST@gov.nl.ca

Income support benefits for individuals and families
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Kelli Faulkner

Brenda Gillingham
Social Workers klfaulkner@nlhc.nl.ca


Emergency Shelter Community Operator Line
Supports with shelter system, rental housing program, rental supplements, and other resources administered through NL Housing.